Firearms And Weapons Offences
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Firearms and Weapons Offences are serious in nature
They range from offences that involve replicated firearms to firing at a dwelling house or possessing three or more firearms.
Potential punishments for Firearm Offences range from Good Behaviour Bonds to Full-time Prison sentence, so it is important to contact our Criminal Lawyers to assist you in dealing with these criminal offences.
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Some Firearms and Weapons Offences include:
- Unauthorised Possession of Use of Firearms – s7A Firearms Act
- Unauthorised Possession of Use of Prohibited Firearms – s7 Firearms Act
- Firing at Dwelling Houses or Buildings – s93GA Crimes Act
- Unregistered Firearms – s36 Firearms Act
- Possess Unregistered Firearms in Public Place s93I(1) Crimes Act
- Safe Keeping of Firearms – s39, 40 and 41 Firearms Act
- Custody of a Knife in a Public Place
- Possession of a Prohibited Weapon
Speak to our Criminal Lawyers today to discuss your Firearms or Weapons Offence. We have offices located across Sydney, Parramatta and Blacktown and will be able to assist you immediately with your criminal case.
Steven Mercael​
Principal Lawyer​
Steven Mercael – Principal Lawyer and Founder of Criminal Lawyers Group – is a leading criminal lawyer in Parramatta and Sydney delivering exceptional results in all courts.
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