When you have been arrested over the weekend, you need a top-notch criminal bail lawyer ready to get you out. Weekend bail applications at Parramatta can be difficult, which is why you need a criminal lawyer from Criminal Lawyers Group Parramatta.
Bail applications in Parramatta involve not only demonstrating why release is warranted but also addressing the critical “Show Cause” requirement and mitigating any perceived unacceptable risk. This multifaceted process is a significant aspect of the criminal justice systme. Let’s explore the nuances of bail applications in Parramatta, including the “Show Cause” element and the crucial second step of mitigating unacceptable risk.
So firstly, What is Bail?
Bail, governed by the Bail Act 2013 in Australia, is the temporary release of an accused person awaiting trial.
Do I have to pay a surety to get bail?
The short answer is no. However, some release application are extremely stronger when a person agrees to forfeit an amount. Our Criminal Lawyers in Parramatta that specialise in Bail Applications will guide you through this process.
What are the steps of getting bail if the matter is “Show Cause”?
Step 1: The “Show Cause” provision adds an additional layer, requiring the accused to present compelling reasons for their release. This often involves the court taking into factors such as your:
Ø Community ties
Ø Employment stability
Ø Familial responsibilities
Ø Medical conditions etc
Step 2: The second step in the process involves addressing and mitigating any perceived “unacceptable risk” associated with the accused’s release. This is referred to under Section 17 of the Bail Act. The court considers factors under section 18 of the Bail Act, such as the likelihood of the accused failing to appear at trial, committing further offenses, or endangering the community. A skilled criminal defence lawyer in Parramatta is crucial in navigating this step, presenting evidence and arguments to alleviate concerns about potential risks.
Where are weekend bail applications heard?
Weekend bail applications are heard at Parramatta Childrens Court.
For individuals facing criminal charges in Parramatta, seeking legal counsel from Criminal Lawyers Group promptly is imperative. An experienced criminal lawyer in Parramatta can guide them through the intricacies of the bail application process, paying special attention to both the “Show Cause” requirement and the mitigation of unacceptable risk, ultimately increasing the likelihood of a favourable outcome.
In conclusion, understanding bail applications in Parramatta requires an appreciation of the legal framework, community dynamics, and the multifaceted steps involved.
If you are bail refused, you need the Best Bail Lawyers in Parramatta committed to ensuring justice for those awaiting trial in this bustling suburb of Sydney. Contact Us Today.